Monday, July 1, 2024

Digital Photography and Imaging - week 10

  July 18.20204

22.4.2024 -21.5.2024(week1-week5)


DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY AND IMAGING/Bachelor of Design (Honours)in Creative Media


Introduction to After Effects
  • Adobe After Effects is a 2.5D animation software used for animation, visual effects, and motion picture compositing. 
  • This software is used in the post-production phase, and has hundreds of effects that can be used to manipulate imagery. This allows you to combine layers of video and images into the same scene.
Motion graphics animation 
  • Motion graphics animation works by manipulating vector and rasterized art to create and tell a story. 
  • Adobe After Effects takes a different approach for creating movement.
  • Physical-based media can be integrated through photos and videos.

Transforming still images Into  moving images.

  • Compositing Layers in Photoshop
  • Basically Photoshop is a platform to compositing the layers.
  • All the layers need to be arrange and rename accordingly so that it will be organize and easy to be animated in
  • After Effects. 
Create animated layer sequences using a variety of elements and platforms in After Effects

  • Adobe After Effects is a digital visual effects, motion graphics, and compositing application.,
  • Elements such as images, videos, vectors, and more can be imported into After Effects.
  • All layer elements need to be organised and synchronised to external software platforms such as Photoshop and Illustrator.
  • After Effects files are not embedded in media, but rather linked to it.


1. AFTER EFFECT LIVE DEMO during Tutorial class.

2. Advanced keyframes (attachment video)



W10 Practical: Post Effects Exercise

We will use the compositing provided to complete an animation exercise using Adobe After Effects.

  1.  Import the W10_ANIMATE.psd into Adobe After Effects.
  2.  Create a composition setting 1080 px (Width) x 1920 px (Height), Duration 15 second
  3.  Create a keyframe animation to the layers using Position (P), Scale (S) & Masking path.
  4.  Render output: Quicktime (.MOV) or .MP4
  5. Upload your exercise into your Youtube Channel.
  6. Update your progress and video to your E-Portfolio blog. 
  7. Attach your E-Portfolio link on this Submission.


fig 1.0 process 

Final result

after effects Final result of the exercise


This lesson I learned how to use Adobe after effects, let me know how to make the picture move, but also let me understand how to zoom, positional movements

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